Dian Ilmu Scientific Magazine Published as a media of information on the results of research studies and scientific articles in the field of Business and Public Administration. Journal is published and managed by the Jember College of Administrative Sciences. This journal was registered in the ISSN portal with the number e-ISSN: 2620-7451 p-ISSN: 0853-2516

Vol 24, No 1 (2024): MAJALAH ILMIAH "DIAN ILMU" OKTOBER 2024
Artikel hasil penelitian dan konferensi internasional ICPBA (Internatiobal Conference on Public and Business Administration) 2024.
Table of Contents
Nasirudin Al Ahsani, Nita Andriani, Nurul Widyawati Islami Rahayu
Trya Dara Destia Purnama Sari, Farid Wahyudi
Nike Norma Epriliyana
Nurul Widyawati Islami Rahayu, Fatimatuzzahro Fatimatuzzahro, Abdur Rakhman Wijaya, Mutmainnah Mutmainnah, Ari Fahimatussyam Putra Nusantara, Zulfa Ahmad Kurniawan
Hary Priyanto, Niko Pahlevi Hentika
Soni Susanto, Eny Haryati, Sapto Pramono, Ika Devy Pramudiana